Scary Street Art

Scary Street Art

Posted 2015-10-20 by Marie Vonowfollow
In general I have a preference for things I consider positive or attractive. My tendency is to seek out people who are uplifting with a positive outlook on life. When taking photos of scenery, buildings or street art I am attracted to beauty. However, I sometimes snap images which don't fall into this category. These can be interesting even if I wouldn't want the images where I could see them all the time.

ImageMarie Vonow

Although I don't find the above piece of street art uplifting I do like the colours and the attention to detail. It certainly caught my attention. Even in something I wouldn't want enlarged and displayed on a wall in my home there can be aspects that appeal. It can be this way with people sometimes. Overall the person may not be someone I want to spend lots of time with but I can be aware of aspects of their personality I admire.

On a wall in an alley way at Glenelg. ImageMarie Vonow

The first time I saw this piece of street art was on a cold dreary day. The sky was grey and it was drizzling with rain. There were puddles in the alley way and I had to be careful not to get my feet wet. I found myself focussing on the big teeth which made the artwork seem somewhat menacing. However, the eyes looked sad so maybe he isn't a threatening fellow after all.

Serpent on wall at Prospect S.A. ImageMarie Vonow

This artwork makes me very uncomfortable. Yes, I have a phobia about snakes. I have discovered this is ophidiophobia or ophiophobia. 'Ophis' is the Greek word for snake and about one third of adults have ophidiophobia.

I can admire the detail of the serpent's scales but it is not something I want to look at for long even though this is just a painting. I am aware my reaction is strongly influenced by my fear of snakes.

ImageMarie Vonow

This is another piece of street art which pays attention to detail. The thing that stands out most to me is what I think are the eagle's sharp claws. It is an eagle or other bird of prey, isn't it?

There are all types of street art around for us to look at and think about. Some pieces brighten up a dull car park wall or alley way. Other pieces make us think as we try to work out what message the artist is trying to impart.


255151 - 2023-07-19 08:53:36


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