Birds In Street Art

Birds In Street Art

Posted 2015-09-29 by Marie Vonowfollow
ImageMarie Vonow

I find birds fascinating and enjoy watching them. At the moment there are swallows nesting under my carport and I love to see them swooping around. When I am out and about it is interesting to see the different real life birds in various locations around Adelaide. Likewise it is nice to spot birds in street art.

There is a tin fence which has been decorated with street art next to the tram line. The art brightens up what would otherwise be a plain boring fence. I like the long legged water birds on this fence.

ImageMarie Vonow

There are a number of pieces of street art in the area of the Salisbury railway station. Behind the seats where passengers wait for the train is a mural with a water theme. I like the duck landing on the water which is part of the mural.

ImageMarie Vonow

Near the community information booth there is a painting of various creatures including a pelican with fish in its bill. Pelicans are one of my favourite birds The Australian pelican is the largest in the world. Its bill can hold 9 to 13 litres of water.

ImageMarie Vonow

Above the pelican are some birds on a branch.

ImageMarie Vonow

ImageMarie Vonow

Magpies feature in other street art around Adelaide. If my memory serves me correctly, the magpie below is in a mural in Morphett Street. The other day I read that another name for the Australian Magpie is flute bird. The article stated this name is not commonly used which explains why I hadn’t heard it before.

ImageMarie Vonow

Last year I took this photo of a chirpy blue bird. It was painted on a large sheet of tin attached to a shop wall on the terrace that runs along by the river in Gawler.

ImageMarie Vonow

Street art can brighten up an uninspiring spot. It brings art into the everyday world of people who might not otherwise be exposed to art.


255127 - 2023-07-19 08:53:00


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