You Need a Pyjama Day Mum
It's weird hearing your own words come back to you and that's just what happened to me this week. My young adult daughter flippantly remarked that I need a pyjama day. I knew exactly what she meant and I agreed with her. She's a girl who knows all about pyjama days. Her pyjamas are her comfort, her reminder to look after herself. They are warm and soothing for a body too often hurting with chronic pain. If anyone knows about pyjama days she does.
So why aren't I having a pyjama day myself then? Why don't I just lounge around in comfortable pyjamas instead of sticking to my normal routine of shower, dressed and out the door to face the day ahead? What is it about being at home all day that I find not relaxing and not achievable? Is it a worry about a lack of connection with others? I know that's not it because I can be just as connected these days by email and social media. It's perhaps more about home being a busy place for me, a place where there's always something to be done, something to tidy or clean. It's not just a place of lounging around for me, never has been actually.
Is it that my mind just won't stop? I've noticed lately that even when I'm doing one thing I'm thinking about another. When reading I'm constantly distracted by thoughts and find it hard to remember what I've just read. It seems impossible just to do one thing at a time at the moment yet I'm at a point in time where I have a window of opportunity to slow down and do nothing for a little while if I really want to.
Just how driven can we be that there's always something to be done, something to think about? Is it the "rushed woman syndrome" we've been hearing about recently in the news? Where women are so busy and their hormones are so charged that they then become unwell, mentally and physically?
So perhaps the antidote to rushed woman syndrome is a pyjama day - and perhaps the first step is to actually contemplate a day at home in pyjamas, switching off all technology devices to disconnect from the world around us and just chilling out. Perhaps a book or movie with some chips. Of course it is! Now let's see if I'm up to the challenge.
254788 - 2023-07-19 08:48:28
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