The Kitchen Is A Homes Heart
Courtesy of Pixabay
Debi Mazar, American actress and television personality, Debi Mazar said, 'The kitchen is the heart of every home, for the most part. It evokes memories of your family history.' Although the kitchen of today isn't so important in homes where meals are often eaten out, or takeaway is eaten in front of TV, the kitchen is still the heart of many homes.
My childhood kitchen
When I was growing up in the fifties and sixties our kitchen was pretty basic. However it was the most used room of the house. It was where meals were prepared and eaten. I learnt to cook in that kitchen. When friends visited we put the kettle on and sat around the kitchen table to share food and talk.
I did my homework at the kitchen table during my primary school years. Mum did the ironing in that room. Before the Anzac Day parade I would polish Dad's medals at the kitchen table. Christmas biscuits and birthday cakes were lovingly iced in the kitchen. So many things happened in that small room.
My grandmother's kitchen
Grandma's kitchen was bigger than the kitchen at home. Again, it was the heart of the house. Memories of the times I sat at Grandma's kitchen table come flooding back. We ate many meals and her delicious homemade cake and biscuits there.
Courtesy of Pixabay
When I was a pre schooler Grandma would show me the Dennis the Menace comic in the daily newspaper and read it to me. I did jigsaw puzzles and played with blocks on her table. We played board games at the kitchen table. The wood stove warmed the room, cooked food and heated water for hot drinks and doing the dishes.
Other kitchens
When I think back there are so many memories of different friends and family members and times spent sitting at their kitchen table. I visited a cousin two days ago and we sat in the kitchen to drink coffee and chat. There is something so welcoming about the kitchen.
255411 - 2023-07-19 11:57:35
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