Finding Joy in Life
A hot shower, finding the last seat on the metro or getting into a freshly made bed are only a few of the things in life that give me joy.
As winter has now officially begun, spending the day locked between four walls is more of a reality making it harder to go out and explore the world, finding joy in the simple things of life. Rainy days can turn into a day of embracing joy, all through words or photographs.
The action of being able to shape ideas and opinions of people and provoke the emotion of an individual is an enormous responsibility, but also a great power. Through a combination of letters, or a powerful image, it can create change, stirring up endless ideas and possibilities.
Life is about finding joy through the simple things of life, and sharing that joy with others around you. The action of being able to shape ideas and opinions of individuals and provoke the emotion of an individual is an enormous responsibility, but also a great power. Through a combination of letters, or a powerful image, it can create change, stirring up endless ideas and possibilities.
254767 - 2023-07-19 08:48:12
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