Enjoying the Friendship of Cats

Enjoying the Friendship of Cats

Posted 2014-07-12 by lynjofollow

I must admit it. I waiver in my enthusiasm for my cats. Sometimes I find them annoying. They want to come inside and before I know they want to go out again. It’s bad enough when they do that in the daytime but when they wake me during the night, then can’t decide if they really want to go out into the cold or not, that’s taking it to a whole new level. They want food. They want more food. They use the kitty litter, just after I’ve given them a clean tray. They require monthly administration of their worm and flea treatment. They seem to be able to smell it when I take the lid off the small tube and run for their lives. It often becomes a week long saga for me to do the deed.

Then on other days I think how cute they look, particularly in winter as they curl up inside on a blanket or on my bed. They look so innocent and sweet that I wonder how I can become so annoyed with them. They sometimes look at me contentedly and I get a sense that they appreciate all that I do for them. They come towards me and look for their head to be patted. They say that people with pets are healthier – perhaps something to do with taking the time to think and care about another living being. I know that, like young children, they depend on me and that brings out my mothering instinct.

So on balance the cats can be very needy but they can also provide company, be a friend in quiet times and give me a reason to get out of bed in the mornings on those days when there’s not much else on. They sometimes look at me knowingly as if they know me more than I realize. They probably do. They get to see my behavior, at its best and worst. In that way they are really like true friends, particularly when they continue to be there for me regardless.


254809 - 2023-07-19 08:48:45


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