Connecting through Writing
There may be many reasons for us to write. We might be writing to make sense of the complex world around us. Or to share ideas with others, perhaps seeking other views in order to grow the ideas. Or we might write because it meets some inner need that we haven't thought too much about. We can sometimes feel driven to write and do it without questioning too much.
I had an experience today where a fellow writer in an online group I belong to shared that she had been so moved by a short story that I had written that she cried at the end of it. This surprised me as it was a draft story that still requires a bit of work to get it to a final draft. Yet there was obviously something in the current version that touched this reader. I felt honoured and thrilled by this.
This has started me thinking about the power of words and the impact that our writing can have on ourselves and others who read what we write. It has me thinking about the connections between people that comes through sharing our writing. If we don't share it we don't know how powerful it can be or how it impacts others.
Perhaps most importantly though it is giving me an increased confidence and sense of purpose with my writing. I often read about writers lacking confidence, of feeling that our writing is not good enough to be read by anyone else. This experience has me questioning that - if an early draft of a story can impact on someone, touch them and have meaning for them, that leads to an emotional response, then I should keep going with my writing. I should work some more on that particular short story, to enhance it without losing what works so well already, atIeast for one reader. I should trust myself in putting stories out there, knowing that there might be someone who will be moved by my words.
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