Bags As Accessories
Handbags for sale in Chateau Barrosa gift shop at Lyndoch SA Image by Marie Vonow
I rarely go out without a bag of some description. Occasionally I do travel light and manage with a small purse, my mobile and keys tucked away in my pockets. Usually I need a bag, often quite a big one.
I try to limit the number of bags I own as I find it is so easy to misplace things if I am frequently swapping from one bag to another. However, if I am going to the shops or library I need a bigger bag than if I am going out in the evening so I need some choice. I like my bag to be an accessory, not just something to carry stuff in. This means I need a few different bags so I have one to suit what I am wearing.
I love looking at bags whether that be in an op shop or at a gift shop. Recently I went out with a group for a day outing. At our first stop we spent time browsing in the gift shop where I saw numerous gorgeous hand bags.
Gorgeous handbags in the Chateau Barrosa gift shop at Lyndoch SA Image by Marie Vonow
A bright handbag says, 'Hey, look at me,' and I would choose to carry one of these if the rest of my outfit was fairly plain. However, this depends on one's personal style and lifestyle.
If I am wearing an outfit with plenty of colour and/or pattern I would prefer a plain handbag. I might tie a scarf in one of the colours of my outfit to the bag. Another way to add personality to a bag is to attach a trinket or medallion to the bag.
Handbag with scarf tied to handle Image by Marie Vonow
Trinket attached to bag to add a touch of personality Image by Marie Vonow
In years gone by the fashion experts said a handbag should be the same colour as your shoes. That rule has had its day, well for now anyway.
The size of one's bag depends on how much you need to carry and also your outfit and whether you are tall or petite.
Sometimes I need a big bag to stash all the things I need to have with me for the day. As I don't have a car, I sometimes end up carrying quite a lot. At times like this, one of my fabric shopping bags made by a cousin is invaluable.
Not your average supermarket shopping bag. Image by Marie Vonow
On a wet day, I grab my waterproof shopping bag. It has a useful zip at the top. It also has a pocket inside. I find a pocket or two on the inside of a bag useful to store my keys and other small items such as my mobile phone.
Waterproof shopping bag Image by Marie Vonow
If I want to keep my hands free, a shoulder bag is just what I need. My shoulder bag was my mother's so it has sentimental value as well as being functional. I also like the earthy colours and it has a pocket inside for my keys.
Shoulder bag Image by Marie Vonow
Every woman has her own preference regarding bags. Some don't like bags and avoid carrying one. Others adore a stylish handbag and may be willing to spend heaps on a bag they really like. Bags are another way to accessorise your outfit and express your personality.
255232 - 2023-07-19 08:55:10