Potential Define it Yourself

Potential Define it Yourself

Posted 2017-03-25 by Mina Keenanfollow

Potential was a word I did not like much.

Old school reports always had a phrase saying I did not live up to my potential. Who were they to judge?

As far as I am concerned, I always did my best at everything.

It is impossible to play the game at 100 percent all of the time. The word potential came to mean something that was not achievable.

It is only now, at 50 something years old, I have been able to stamp a different meaning to the word, and believe it.

Potential is futuristic. It is measure of the future not of the past. It is a dream word. You have a wish, a dream or go and you make moves toward it.

How do you know where potential ends? When you say so, not when others think so.

It is only now I think I could like the word potential.

Resist the efforts of others who put you in a box, or put labels on you - make your own definitions.


255315 - 2023-07-19 11:55:35


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