Old Mags

Old Mags

Posted 2017-03-16 by Mina Keenanfollow

I found a stack of old magazines I had put away ages ago with the intent of looking through them someday.

That some day came and I couldn't help but notice the differences regarding (perceived) quality, and content.

Some of the magazines are over 20 years old. They appear to have less advertising, and good solid information.

The topics are still the same.... celebrity news and gossip, different forms of household issues like decor and recipes.

What is different now is the volume...Lots of big photo ads and big photo celebrities.

This seems to be right in the scheme of things in that magazines are a reflection of the current time, and that over time ideas and fashions shift.

But then again it is cyclic. Fashions, fads and ideas repeat themselves as we look back in order to see relevance in our lives today.

It makes me think we live in a two step forward, one step back kind of way, where we build on history.

You live life, often not realising the impact of changes...they can be so subtle. It is only when you stop for a bit you see just how things have changed.


255305 - 2023-07-19 11:55:24


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