Japanese Fountain Pen

Japanese Fountain Pen

Posted 2016-08-31 by Mina Keenanfollow

I love stationery. Writing with a special pen transfers a magic feeling to whatever it is you are working on - even if it is the shopping list.

In the last month I had happy coincidence running into a couple of old teachers. They brought back good memories.

One was using a fountain pen in primary school. We had the wooden flip up desks with an inkwell and pen/pencil groove.

I looked about for my fountain pens but came to the conclusion I must have given them away... so I pored over heaps of pens online.

Ended up choosing this student pen. No, I'm not fluent in Japanese - pictures on the back.

The refills are a breeze to install - apparently you can fill with bottled ink as well (try that when this cartridge runs out) and the pen is light ... and pretty. Reminds me of the Willow pattern. No need for blotting paper and the thing doesn't leak. I remember ink stained hands and shirt pockets.

I've forgotten the 'correct' way to write longhand/cursive capitals - it has been so long, but maybe - when time allows...

I love it and am waiting on a few different ones to arrive.


255231 - 2023-07-19 08:55:08


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